the very best part of these contests is that we get people to really show off what they’ve been working on! inspect out the POV clock which was sent in by [Taciuc]. He doesn’t have a website for it, however he did send a video which you can see after the break.

The job is a home-etched PCB with a long row or surface install LEDs. The board is spun by a stepper motor which takes a bit while to stabilize. however when it does it’s a twirling bundle of awesomeness. A picture 16F628 drives the device, with a separate RTC chip to keep time. There’s likewise an IR receiver to facilitate individual control. Our URL is displayed on the clock deal with itself as well as we believe it’s always shown. however there is an easter egg in the code itself. If you try to dump the firmware from the chip you’ll see our web address in the hex output. Here’s his job archive if you want to the HEX, ASM as well as DipTrace schematic.

This is an entry in the Fubarino Contest for a possibility at one of the 20 Fubarino SD boards which Microchip has put up as prizes!

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