The team at nonolith labs announced their CEE, a device for billed as, “an analog buspirate” that is implied to control, experiment, and explore the world of analog electronics. Nonolith labs started a kickstarter campaign for the CEE.
The CEE is capable of sub-millivolt and milliamp sampling at 44.1k samples/second, and sourcing 2 channels of 5V @ 2A with a little bit of soldering. This allows for accurate control of motors and sensors with the web-based UI. We’re thinking this would be a terrific way to instruct high schoolers the art of electronics, and would be terrific combined with a few lectures from Paul Horowitz.
The CEE ties into nonolith labs Pixelpulse, a pretty useful tool for visualizing analog and digital signals. You can check out a demo of Pixelpulse simulating a charging capacitor here.
We’re hoping this focus on education on analog electronics catches on – you can learn a lot much more by building a 555-based small Segway than you can slapping a microcontroller in every project. This would go under the same theory as, “any idiot can count to one.”
Check out the video of the CEE on the kickstarter campaign page.